Hello, I'm Ken Kleinberg. 

!! 90 DAYS To The New !! You !!

Based on my own transformation experience of losing 62.5 lbs (and keeping it off for over 5 years now), years of learning, and lots of deep research; I help you to completely side step the broken health and wellness system that is actually keep you stuck. And then show you the right mindset to have around your journey and food so that once that scale starts moving and the weight is gone, it is gone for good because you have completely changed from the inside out. I give you the tools for the changes and habits to last for a lifetime.



Working with Coach Ken has been an incredibly transformative experience for me, particularly in terms of my mindset related to weight loss. I struggled with negative thoughts and self-doubt for years, which made it difficult for me to stick to a healthy eating and exercise routine. However, since working with Coach Ken, I have been able to develop a positive mindset and overcome the challenges that were holding me back. Coach Ken has a unique approach that combines mindfulness and practical tools to help me develop a healthier relationship with food and my body. He has taught me to focus on self-care, rather than restriction, which has made weight loss feel like a natural part of my lifestyle, rather than a chore. With his guidance, I have been able to identify and challenge limiting beliefs, develop a growth mindset, and cultivate a deep sense of self-compassion. Coach Ken's support and encouragement has been instrumental in helping me make lasting changes in my life. I am so grateful for the work we have done together, and I would highly recommend Coach Ken to anyone looking to overcome mindset challenges related to weight loss. He is a truly inspiring and knowledgeable coach who has made a tremendous impact in my life.


~Mike Montes

My Story

About 12 and a half years ago I was at the heaviest weight that I have ever been in my life.  My height is 5ft and I weighed 188.5lbs.  I felt awful, I was down to only two sets of clothes (even those barely fit), could barely bend down to tie my shoes, and was very self-conscious about the way I looked.  I had finally had enough!  And began my journey by making small changes in my food and day to day life and staying consistent with those small changes.  Over the course of 5 and a half years I dropped 62.5 pounds  and have stayed consistent with my current weight for over 5 years now and I am in the best shape of my life! 

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The Latest from the Blog

Choreography-Inspired Cardio

Dance is an activity that gets your body moving and your heart pumping. It is only natural that the two would come together for a fun and effective workout. 

A peek inside my new training program

My brand new training program has just launched, and it has something for everyone! Whether you’re an advanced dancer or a total beginner, you’ll have fun and learn something new. 

Let’s get training! Tips to stay motivated.

Finding a workout routine that excites you is the best place to start, but here are 4 other daily habits that will keep you motivated to reach your goals. 

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