Uncovering The Toxic Truth About Covid, The Vaccine, & Ending The Fear PART 2a
As I am writing this it is 5/3/24.
This article is PART 2a of this series. 3/4 of the way through this one I decided to split this particular one into two pieces. So that is why you see the "a" at the end of part 2. Part 2a is the continuation talking about masks from part 1. Part 2b will be diving deep into the vaccines. Originally I was going to do both in part 2, but it would make this article way too long. That is why I'm splitting part 2 into two parts (a and b).
If you have not read PART 1 of the series go back and read it (Access PART 1 Here). This article PART 2a is building on the things that I discussed in part 1. This is all one big web and I want you to get the whole picture. I realize these articles are in depth, intense, and long. So I encourage you to take these articles in pieces if you have to.
Before I get started on the other topics that I want to cover, like the vaccine, I want to go a little deeper on the topic of the mask psy-op and mind control. I want to continue that discussion a little bit more before I move on to the next topic.
But before we dive in, I just want to share a little story as an opener to this part of the article. This little story will also be in another article that I am going to write just for fun. It's going to be called "The Covid Chronicles," and it will be a handful of short stories of experiences that I had during the whole Covid scamdemic charade.
So, here we go!
I remember at the very beginning of this whole charade, right before things closed down tightly, I was at church on a Sunday. I don't remember exactly when, but I do remember entering through the side door of this church.
I was very quickly trying to get to another section of the church to open up the doors for those who were showing up to set up. At this side door entrance as I came through the single door, I was not greeted but literally bombarded by about six or seven different elderly people. They all came at me at the same time. All of them trying to stall me to take my temperature with something that looked more like a gun (hey, I am just saying what it looked like.... I do find it interesting that around this time they came out with many of these temperature taking gun looking things๐ค and everyone was using them. I do just find it interesting that all the new temperature thingys that people were using at that time looked like guns. And just where were they pointing them at? Again, just something to think about.๐ค. Was this a form of desensitization (with the new gun shaped temperature thingies)? Were we being programmed to get used having guns pointed to our head?)
They stalled me long enough to get my temperature. Once it registered in my mind that they had taken my temperature, I quickly began to push through them and walk away. A couple of them pulled out a toxic mask from a box (yes, I said toxic because they are lined with Teflon and other harmful chemicals that we then breathe in) and they began walking fast after me, saying loudly, "Hey, you need to wear a mask!" "Sir, you need to wear a mask!" They kept saying this while waving their toxic paper masks in the air above their heads.
I did not acknowledge them nor did I look back; I just kept walking quickly to get to my destination. I was also hoping that they would not follow me all the way there. Thankfully, they did not. The whole experience was not fun at all. The way they approached me and the way they were acting was VERY uncomfortable for me in the moment because they took me by surprise.
In a way, I kind of felt threatened. They were not part of my overall plan that morning of getting in and to the other side of the church, and I wanted to get as far away from them as possible as quickly as possible. They were not even part of the church body I was with. They were part of another church that did own the building, though.
Even back then, when I had not put all the pieces together yet as to what was truly going on... even back then, my instincts told me something was off and something was not right. And I had no concern to wear an actual mask. I had my shirt sleeve cut off down around my neck, but I was not going to wear it either. I make no apologies for the way I approached that situation, especially now knowing everything that I do.
In a way, I saw them as threatening to my freedom and rights... kind of threatening in general. It felt like mass fear and panic, which then caused them to act like a crazy mob. LOL. I stand up for and I am proud of my actions!
The reason why I share this particular story is to give another example of how the mainstream news media literally produced so much fear from disinformation and propaganda, that this was the level of fear and panic it caused in people. None of what we were told about masks makes sense nor is it logical.
But again, as I've stated before in part 1 of this article, when you are in a state of fear, your logical and critical thinking gets literally blocked! They lied about how bad Covid really was and they definitely lied about the death numbers on purpose to produce this kind of insane fear in people so that people would comply and obey, AND they lied about the masks!
Ok, now that I've shared that little crazy experience of mine, let's continue right into talking about masks and mind control.
Wearing a mask literally begins to dismantle your 5 senses. And begins to have serious psychological effects that mentally damage people.
"The masking of our faces was arguably the most dehumanizing aspect of the Covid mass hypnosis.
Mental, emotional and psychic damage, especially to our children, has been incalculable. In addition to generating fear of invisible pathogens and fellow humans, masking is known historically to be an effective element of torture programs.
It’s long been recognized that both isolation and masking are tools of sensory deprivation. For decades, CIA “enhanced interrogation” experts have employed the forced wearing of surgical masks to increase discomfort while undergoing torture, to break a prisoner’s will.
Long before it was marketed as a talisman of safety and virtue, the mask was a symbol of subservience. It removes individuality, depersonalizes, and denotes submission.
Masks are signs of subjugation (control). They dehumanize. They alienate.
Masks exemplify the number one demand of the Covid era: COMPLIANCE. The plebes have been divided into the compliant (good) and the non-compliant (bad). Children have little choice in the matter.
While authoritarian rulemakers are free to enjoy unmasked lives, the federal government mandates that millions of 2- to 5-year-old children in Head Start programs wear masks."~ https://www.porttownsendfreepress.com/2022/03/27/masks-part-one-the-face-covering-psyop/ - By: Ana Wolpin <----- I took pieces of this article and compiled them together in this quote. This is a great little article and it makes some strong points. I encourage you go and read through it.
A couple of other points that this article makes is 1. Our so-called leaders mandated masks for everyone else but when it came to their private gatherings and social occasions they are free to roam without a mask. 2. They made our children wear masks....again while they get to roam free without a mask.
There is a photo from the above article that I am going to share below:
The lady sitting in the middle of all those kids is "Stacey Abrams who is pro mask and pro vaxx mandate. And yet here she sits, the only one in the photo with a face… She does not believe a word of her own rules. It did not even occur to her how this might look…
Imagine what these experiences are teaching children about their place in the world and their relationship to authority figures." (quoted from the same article above)
“Since children began wearing masks at school, on the athletic field, in airplanes—essentially everywhere outside the home—I have seen a significant decline in their ability to make eye contact, speak clearly, and initiate face-to-face communication with other human beings. Emotional resilience has dramatically declined. Children have become dull and slow in their thinking.” (One more from the same article....this one was a statement from a psychiatrist named McDonald)
Now, with everything we have gone over so far around masks and the detrimental harm that they caused on children, I want you to take a look at these following photos and ask yourself the deep question, what is this and is this OK to do to our children?
This above photo was taken from the website article that I quoted above
This photo (above) was taken from David Ickes website.
I remember how my heart sank every time I saw a parent with a child that had one of these face muzzles on. There is a BIG lesson to be learned here. And I hope that if you are a parent reading this, you are understanding what that lesson is!! Because we can never let this happen EVER again!!
To have things get so far that people were willing to put a face diaper, muzzle, mind control device, etc. on their kids without asking questions or looking at the data for themselves and just doing what they are told by so-called officials and leaders on TV and news means that people have gotten too comfortable with simply complying and obeying what we're being told... people just accepted it to be true because it came from a well-known news leader or celebrity. Or they simply did it to not cause conflict or friction with others (which, in this case, I will boldly say, is also NOT okay!!) This is a very dangerous place to be and should NEVER EVER happen again!! Just look at the damage that has been done because people just blindly obeyed. Look at the damage that has been done because some were afraid to stand up and say something. Look at the damage that has been done by just following everyone else.
Just as much as this is NOT ok...
So it is not ok for kids to be wearing masks!!
For context for this next little quote I included part of another quote that was shared earlier, and then in this one below it goes on to talk about autistic kids:
"Since children began wearing masks at school, on the athletic field, in airplanes—essentially everywhere outside the home—I have seen a significant decline in their ability to make eye contact, speak clearly, and initiate face-to-face communication with other human beings. Emotional resilience has dramatically declined. Children have become dull and slow in their thinking. I see this with all children, but it is especially pronounced in those with autism. Most of my autistic patients who were previously emotionally stable have begun throwing tantrums again, and some have returned to self-harming behaviors. One was hospitalized for the first time in an inpatient psychaitric unit."~https://markmcdonaldmd.substack.com/p/masking-children-is-child-abuse?s=r By: MARK MCDONALD, M.D.
This next part below is so gut wrenching and sad!!!
Mark Mcdonald in his article goes on to say: "Recently a mother and her eight-year-old child visited my office. The mother was not wearing a mask, but the child (my patient) was. I reminded the young boy that he doesn’t need to wear a mask in my office. “You can take it off—it’s better for you to breathe freely. And I want to see your face.” He said, “I feel more comfortable with it on.” He kept it on throughout the visit. I noticed that he made poor eye contact, said very little, and spent most of his time staring down at his lap, where he held his mother’s phone “to keep him occupied.” This patient, like many I see now, has lost all interest in leaving his house, playing with friends, or attending sleepovers. He is no longer curious about life or other people. He hides himself behind a mask and stares at a screen, with the passive approval of his mother. Behavioral conditioning can be quite powerful. We have sadly conditioned our children to feel comfortable wearing a diaper on their faces." (Same link as above)
As I was writing about the kids and masking above, I actually had to step away and stop for about 2-3 days before completing the earlier red paragraph section. I maybe got seven words into it, and I had to step away because I had a well of emotions that was showing up and I did not know how to express what I wanted to say the way that I wanted to say it. Though I knew clearly what I was feeling, the words just were not there at first.
Also, you may be asking yourself, "How is this relevant to his brand and health and wellness, and why is this particular portion included in this article?"
The answer to that is: because it is in my best interest and heart to share the truth about things that are relevant not only to our health and wellness but also to our children's as well. Simply put!
Now, lastly, before we move on to the other major topic that I want to cover in this part 2a article, let's take this whole mask thing a couple of levels deeper and look at it from a completely different angle if you will (This will be the last thing that I talk about on masks๐).
Masks and "six feet apart" are part of a demonic ritual??...What???
I made some interesting discoveries and correlations in my research about masks and distancing 6 feet apart.
But first, I want to ask the question: Why 6 feet? Why not 5, 10, 7, 8, or 20? Why 6? Also, mind you, there is no scientific basis that distancing "6 feet apart" did ANYTHING!!
LOL.... I knew there was a reason that every time I saw one of those little 6 feet apart markers on the ground, I made it a point NOT to comply and to move in closer. Hell no, did I EVER stand on one of those markers! Some grocery stores went as far as to put arrows on the aisle ways indicating which way to go in that aisle. And guess what I chose to do? Yep... you guessed it, I always did the exact opposite of what the arrow was telling me to do. LOL.
Yup, there's my rebellious spirit showing up again. (Read that small statement again with a proud tone and picture me standing confident and tall...LOL)
Anyhow, why 6 feet? (Back to my question). I actually never really thought about it until I started doing some digging. I just simply thought it was part of the whole thing of keeping us from talking to one another and part of their brainwashing and fear campaign. But oooooh no, it's much deeper than that.
This next part might seem a bit out there for some of you.
End of the day, you get to look at the resources I have provided and do the research for yourself and come to your own conclusions. A very good friend of mine, Stacy from the gym that I go to, shared some resources with me that sent me down this little rabbit trail. So buckle up, it's about to get much more interesting and deeper.
You're welcome to raise your eyebrow at me on this one if you'd like. But I still stand by the question "why 6 feet?"
I mean, if it was REALLY about safety, wouldn't 8, 9, 10, or 20 feet be more effective?
Check this out:
~ https://x.com/patriottakes/status/1395385069640949766 <----- This is great short clip by Lin Wood (it's less than a minute long)
"the entire manufactured coronavirus crisis is one giant, occult ritual from start to finish, divided up into four mini-rituals, each with the distinct occult purpose of initiation and transformation of the world and its people into a new global order.
the four distinct, but interrelated, occult rituals that make up this massive global occult ritual initiation ceremony:
- Ritual Mask-Wearing
- Ritual Hand-Washing
- Ritual “Social Distancing”
- Ritual Lockdowns"
~ https://haveyenotread.com/occult-ritual-transformation-and-coronavirus/ <---- This article is a very thorough and informative read. I am a Christian, so a lot of this article makes sense to me. The one thing I will say that I disagree with in this article is when it starts talking about how this is correlated with the mark of the beast. I don't necessarily agree with that part. I do believe these were all correlations to satanic rituals but not the mark of the beast. I have my own personal beliefs about the mark of the beast, and it's not typically what is taught in most Christian churches.
With everything I know about the deep state establishment and the corrupt elites, this perspective on distancing, mask-wearing, and all that fits right into the puzzle for me, at least. I encourage you to put your logical and critical thinking cap on and just check out some of the sources I gave above.
I don't think what we have been through was really ever about the virus or our safety!!
Here are a few more links:
https://www.bitchute.com/video/tID7K522j5tJ/ (Video is 23 mins but good)
Masks Lined with Teflon
Now I know that I said earlier that the above would be my last point, but there is one more thing that I want to mention that I forgot about earlier. Remember at the beginning of this article when I was sharing my story? I mentioned those paper masks that come out of a box being toxic. I want to address that quickly before we move on, because I still see some people wearing those toxic paper masks.
I alluded earlier that these disposable paper masks are lined with traces of Teflon, as well as many other types of masks. Although evidence of this was very hard to find, with everything that I know and all the pieces of the puzzle that I have, I do not doubt it for one second. I did find a couple of references to people who talked about it, but their posts got fact-checked and deleted. If you have been around long enough, you know that when someone gets fact-checked, it usually means there is truth in what they're sharing. I did find references to PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene), which is synthetic fluoride found in Teflon.
A good question to ask when somebody is being fact-checked or censored is, "if there's nothing to hide, why the censorship?" And let's be honest, their whole fact-check system is nothing but a bunch of bullshit. To add to that, it's the smelliest bunch of bullshit! LOL, just calling it like it is! I DON'T apologize for my language or my bluntness.
I did however find this:
"The blue typical mask contains Teflon and other chemicals that cause cancer. 1. Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide — a known carcinogen. Many teachers in various school boards have been experiencing significant symptoms as a direct result of the effects of this chemical. 2. The masks contain (not sprayed with) PTFE which makes up Teflon along with other chemicals that cause cancer. The US patent to allow manufacturers to use PTFE as a filter in commercial masks states: “… breathing these for extended periods can lead to lung cancer.” " ~ https://thewhiterose.uk/two-warnings-about-the-use-of-masks/ -By: The White Rose UK
And here is one more if you are not convinced (This one is a great article too):
"Is that Mask Giving You Lung Cancer? It’s Criminal to Force Children to Wear Masks all Day
A Facebook friend reminds us:
1. Masks are “sterilized” with Ethylene Oxide — a known carcinogen. Many teachers in various school boards have been experiencing significant symptoms as a direct result of the effects of this chemical.
2. The masks contain (not sprayed with) PTFE which makes up Teflon along with other chemicals. I found and have posted the US patent to allow manufacturers to use PTFE as a filter in commercial masks… “breathing these for extended periods can lead to lung cancer.”
Don’t agree? Argue with the experts at OSHA, which is the main US agency, i.e., its Occupational Health & Safety Agency.
These masks are meant to be worn only for short periods, like say if you’re sanding a table for an hour and don’t want to inhale sawdust.
They don’t do anything whatsoever to stop the spread of any virus, and the emerging science of virology now understands that viruses aren’t even passed person to person."~https://journal.com.ph/no-wonder-i-find-it-difficult-to-breathe-when-i-wear-the-blue-mask/ - By: PJI (Right after the "END NOTE" at the end of the article is where the article ends before going on to another article talking about some weird creature.....just fyi... The second article has literally nothing to do with the first.)
Ok, that is all I am going to be talking about on masks. There is one more small point I want to make before we move on to the last topic in this article. It's more of a question.
Plastic dividers to protect us???
How many of you remember those stupid little plastic wall dividers that they put up everywhere? At the check stands in grocery stores, some food places created little box dividers between the tables, and some places just had a square plastic thing hanging from the ceiling.
How many of you remember that? Some places still have them up. Did anyone care to really stand back and take a look at how illogical those things were?
At first glance, and in a state of fear and panic like many people were in, they provided a false sense of safety. But if you really stand back and think about it, especially now that more people are waking up to the truth, did they really protect against anything? Think about it. They weren't sealed or completely enclosed in any way. Often, the bottom section was open for the exchange of items like money, the top portion was completely open, and so were the sides where the width of the plastic dividers ended. Check out the photos that I found below:
Are you telling me that a virus "sooo deadly" is not going to find its way around these barriers that aren't even attached or enclosed? Just take a moment to study these pictures. These barriers are supposed to protect you from a virus that is so small that the naked eye cannot see it? This, again, is simply an example of how psychologically messed up and illogical the mass fear push by the mainstream media and all the other propaganda machines created in people.
As I said earlier when talking about the children, I hope we have learned a big lesson here!
When I had my awakening and began uncovering the real truth around everything, it is interesting that I had no interest or regard for these stupid plastic dividers. LOL... I was constantly being asked to move back behind them. Because I was not controlled by fear anymore, standing behind those dividers was not really a concern or thought in my mind. Someone might say something like, "Well, did you not want to do it just out of respect for people?" And my answer to that is honestly, NO! At the point God took the blinders and scales from my eyes and revealed the truth to me, I saw (and still do) my role as being a light to the truth and a light to being free from the fear porn that was being pushed at us day after day. Showing that I was not afraid was the best example for people.
Let's move on. Last thing I want to go over here.
Oh, yes!! With what I know now about this toxic gel, means that I will NEVER use ANY KIND of hand sanitizers EVER AGAIN!!
Towards the beginning of 2021 to mid-2021, somewhere around there, I began seeing people here and there starting to talk about hand sanitizers being poison and not good at all. At first, I thought perhaps it may just be some random thing, but then I kept seeing things that pointed to hand sanitizers being harmful. It wasn't too long after that I began to avoid hand sanitizers altogether and threw out ALL OF THEM in my home.
Back then, I never really did a deep dive on sanitizers until recently. And what I found confirmed what I already had a strong gut feeling about to be true. I even uncovered some things about anti-bacterial soaps too. To be quite honest, just simple regular old soap (non-antibacterial) does just fine and is so much better for you. However, even with just old-fashioned regular soap, it's not good to constantly be washing our hands.
Don't get me wrong, there is a time and place to wash our hands and to be cautious. But some take it to a whole other level and are washing their hands way too much. Just saying.
Here is a couple pieces of a quote from a article that I found:
"Triclosan, known for its antibacterial properties, is found in most commercial hand sanitizers. However, it may do more harm than good. This chemical can contribute to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. A study carried out in 2006 published in the journal Microbial Drug Resistance, found that widespread use of tirclosan may pose a potential public health risk of concomitant resistance to clinically important antimicrobials. Furthermore, another study in 2014 published in Frontiers in Microbiology also found that this chemical is associated with multi-drug resistance. Moreover, a 2012 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences notes that triclosan is a priority pollutant of growing concern to human and environmental health. The study found that this chemical can weaken cardiac and skeletal muscle contractility in a way that can negatively impact muscle health, especially in susceptible populations.
Both alcohol-based as well as antibacterial hand sanitizers are harmful to the skin. The high alcohol content of some sanitizers may strip the skin of its outer layer of natural oil. This will hamper the protective barrier function of the skin and cause skin dryness, peeling, and redness. Antibacterial hand sanitizers may cause skin sensitivity in the shape of itching, a burning sensation or dry skin. In fact, small children should not use hand sanitizers in excess as they're more prone to skin irritation." ~ https://www.ba-bamail.com/health/general-health-tips/heres-why-you-should-limit-your-usage-of-hand-sanitizers/ By: Sheldon O. <---- This article has many other great points.
There is a GREAT less than 3min video in this link that explains why you should not use hand-sanitizer quite clearly: https://www.iflscience.com/why-you-should-stop-using-hand-sanitizer-immediately-28797
Here is one more for ya:
Triclosan is an ingredient added to products to prevent bacterial growth. It’s found in everything from soaps to toys to clothing. And, also in hand sanitizers. If the label on your hand sanitizer reads “antibacterial”, it likely contains triclosan.
If you really look at it, triclosan is quite the pointless chemical. The FDA has found no health benefits of triclosan. Even though it kills bacteria, it may contribute to making bacteria resistant to antibiotics. In other words, it helps create super bacteria.
The FDA even noted that “at this time, the agency does not have evidence that triclosan in antibacterial soaps and body washes provides any benefit over washing with regular soap and water.” Now, after 40 years, the FDA is finally working to review triclosan, but it will likely be a while longer before triclosan is completey removed from products. Do your hands a favor and choose a hand sanitizer without triclosan on the label.
Many conventional hand sanitizers are loaded with parabens, chemicals used to prevent microbe growth in products. They’re often found in personal care products that contain water, like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, soaps and, yes, hand sanitizers. Linked to cancer, endocrine disruption, reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity and skin irritation, parabens are pretty nasty. These four common parabens: ethylparaben, butylparaben, methylparaben and propylparaben are ones to watch out for on hand sanitizer labels." ~ https://www.organicauthority.com/health/not-so-handy-the-dangers-of-using-hand-sanitizer By: Kirsten Hudson
And Here is one more:
According to the FDA, there is no evidence currently that sanitizers are more effective than regular soap and warm water in fighting germs. A study done in 2000 found that sanitizers don't significantly reduce the number of bacteria on hands. Researchers added that since the products strip the skin of sebum (which prevents bacteria from penetrating the surface), sanitizers can weaken the skin's defenses.
The drier your skin is, the more fine lines and wrinkles are visible. Dry skin also suffers more cracks, calluses, and flakiness. Alcohols disrupt the natural barrier function in the long run, reducing the skin's ability to protect itself, and leading to heightened dehydration.
Many hand sanitizers these days contain triclosan. This antibacterial agent has been found in animal studies to disrupt hormone function. It also contributes to the rise of "superbugs"—viruses and bacteria that resist antibiotics. In 2013 the CDC announced that the increase of superbugs had caused at least 23,000 deaths that year and was a severe threat to human health.
Most hand sanitizers have chemical fragrances. Many fragrances are irritating and have links to causing allergies and hormone disruption. Since manufacturers are not required to list their fragrance ingredients, you don't know what you're putting on your skin." ~ https://www.soletoscana.com/blogs/artigiano/7-reasons-why-hand-sanitizer-is-bad-for-you
So, there you have it! Honestly, I would just stick with old fashioned regular soap.
That concludes part 2a of this article series. Part 2b is going to be diving into the "so-called" vaccines.
Part 2b is not live yet but is coming soon. The link to it will appear here when it is live and finished...cuz I am currently writing it.๐
If I have shared this article series with you, it's either because I want to give you some missing pieces to the puzzle that maybe you didn't have before. Or it's because I value your opinion, want you to give me feedback, and want you to share it someone that is still missing pieces of the puzzle to what has happened over the last few years. So whether you are one or all of the above, if you got some good ah-ha moments out of this, please share it with someone else to help them. I am not looking to boost my views or numbers, quite frankly with this particular series, my heart is that it will help shed some light for people and help them not to be easily fooled ever again.